Hi! My name is Robin. I am the Special Education Department Chair here at St. Joseph’s Indian School. We had a fantabulous year; I am so proud of the Lakota (Sioux) boys


Robin, St. Joseph’s Special Ed Teacher

and girls for striving for the best!

I was privileged to start a new program with five students this year. It is called Fast For Word and is a series of game-like exercises that help connect brain waves. It creates new pathways for information to travel and be sustained in the brain. It is helpful for children who are either right sided only or left sided only, and for kids who simply don’t understand things in traditional ways.

We had one student go from a 1.7 reading level to 3.8 reading level as a result of the program. That’s a two year and one month jump! Two others are now on grade level for reading. This is a huge accomplishment!

And the best part? The students LOVED it!

A special computer program helped the Lakota children improve their reading skills.

Five Lakota students used Fast For Word to improve their reading skills this year.

One of the girls said, “It is making my mind work in ways I didn’t think it could!”

It was great to see their progress. The game that was the hardest for all of them at the start turned out to be the hands-down favorite!

The students were extremely dedicated and came in at 7:30 am each morning. It was a race to see who would get here first – me or them! I have to admit, two of them beat me almost every morning. They were there between 7:20-7:25 am. I came at 7:27 am!

On occasion, if they missed a class for one reason or another, they would:

1. Come to the home I was working in on a weekend,

2. Go to Saturday school, or

3. Do it twice in the same day.

They wanted their scores to go higher! We had so much fun!

There are so many opportunities to interact with the kids at St. Joseph’s. Not only do I teach Special Ed and do the required paper work, but I also like to sub in St. Joseph’s homes. I really enjoy this as I get to see the kids in another light!

At the homes, they are more relaxed and have their own responsibilities and activities in a different environment. I can now say I have been a substitute houseparent in all of the first through eighth grade homes and some of the high school homes as well!

I am looking forward to August and starting year number four helping Native American children achieve their dreams.

Hey, did I mention HOW MUCH I LOVE IT HERE?

“Subbing in the homes helps me see the students in a different light.” Robin, St. Joseph’s Special Ed Teacher.

“Subbing in the homes helps me see the students in a different light.” Robin, St. Joseph’s Special Ed Teacher.