Hello there! I’m Maija, and I have the best job at St. Joseph’s Indian School! I work primarily with the Lakota (Sioux) students in high school and junior high. I

Maija works with St. Joseph's high school students


get to plan fun activities with the kids, train new houseparents, call applicants and more.

I had the pleasure of putting together a series of five blog posts that you’ll see over the next few weeks – one post from each of our high school homes! We got started with the Hogebach Home, followed by the Crane Home and the Giles Home last week.

St. Joseph’s high school students live on campus, but attend Chamberlain High School, so their schedule is a little different than our younger students.

I hope this blog gives you a glimpse into our world; the activities the kids are involved with, their hopes, and goals.


The Sheehy Home boys describe themselves as a family, period. They enjoy residing in their spacious home, especially when they have to be indoors due to the cold weather. They spend some of their free time watching WWF (World Wrestling Federation) and, as a side note, they say Randy Orton is the best! They also like playing video games when they’re not at St. Joseph’s rec center playing basketball.

St. Joseph’s high school students work hard to keep the academic trophies in their home – one for highest GPA and one for fewest missing assignments.

The boys in the Sheehy Home have earned bragging rights as the owners of St. Joseph’s High School Academic Trophies!

They are proud to be an active bunch of young men –  just about all of them are involved with one of the Chamberlain High sports teams. This is not just a house full of “jocks” though. Sheehy Home has several boys who earned a spot on the Honor Roll and are still working hard keeping up with their grades.

This is a close-knit group. These guys have been together for many years, all working toward being positive leaders. No one has dropped from the high school program as they encourage each other to work hard, do well, and graduate.

Their hopes for the remainder of the school year are to have fun, get good grades, earn the academic trophy back and keep it!

Pilamaya thank you – for your support of St. Joseph’s and these awesome kids!

Have a great week,

Maija & the Sheehy boys